Thursday, November 19, 2009

Let all Revolutions be Velvet

Tuesday I made my second trip to Mnichovice to visit the "family lost behind the iron curtain." It was an absolutely beautiful day and we all marveled at the fact that it was warmer for my November visit than it was for the one in October. Their 2 year old daughter, Eva, was much more energetic this time as she was getting over being sick during my first visit.

Beth and I talked with the family for a long time and then took a long walk around the garden.  Unlike last time, where it was just Pavel, Chad, and myself, the entire family joined us outside. I, however, forgot to put the sim card back in my camera, and was therefore practically camera-less. Beth came to the rescue though and so the following pictures of our visit to Mnichovice are all courtesy of her.

Pavel and Marcela
Beth and Helena

What a cutie.

The day was a resounding success, and I can't wait to go back in December. What wonderfully hospitable people to let me come 3 times during my stay in Prague.

Later that night, Beth and I joined the celebrations of the Velvet Revolution. 20 years ago to the day marked the peaceful student march that ended with brutal beatings towards the marchers. This experience was extraordinarily moving.
After all, how many people can say: I am currently a student at the same university as those who began the overthrow of Czechoslovakian communism? I'm just 20 years too late.
Additionally, I had the chance to join 10,000 other people and follow the exact route that the students took 20 years ago. When we reached Národní Třída, the noises of sirens, dog growling, and overall riot reached our ears. The only difference from 1989 to now, is that now, in 2009, the noises were simulated to bring back memories from before. Police marched alongside us, instead of brutally attacking the peaceful demonstration. People shouted out how they felt about the government. And eventually, we all gathered to honor the countries and sing both national anthems.

Celebrations continued as the march was halted on Národní Třída and a rock concert was performed in the street to be heard far away. I took a million photos and I'm pretty sure only 3 of them turned out, but for your viewing pleasure (and because it wouldn't be my blog without 80 bazillion pictures present..):

Family has now left back for the states (and Budapest.. :]) And I have less then a month before my Prague companions leave me.

My how times flies. And things change.

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