Monday, December 7, 2009

That quote obviously says, " Socialists love lemonade"

This past weekend, my roommate, Annie, and I decided to take a trip to Berlin. So Thursday afternoon, we boarded a bus and headed to Germany. The trip was a welcome one, and we met up with some friends once we got there. The whole thing was a lot of fun despite the chilly weather in Berlin.  Annie and I found out that the hostel we had booked was probably the coolest hostel we've ever stayed at. We walked into this building with a tiny sign that says "St. Christopher's Inn." At first, we thought we were in the wrong spot because the building we had just entered was a bar. However, on the far right side of the bar was check-in and then there was an elevator to take you up to your room. All that aside, we paid $15 a night to stay there, and breakfast was included. You just can't go wrong with that.

The next morning, we decided to wander a bit before joining a 5 hour free tour of the city. The company that offers the free tour works solely off of tips, so if you hated it then you simply walk away. Our tour guide, Mick, however, was incredible and it was very possibly the best tour I've ever been on. Annie and I both would have given 100 € each (if that kind of money was in our vocabulary..)

Since we started traveling all over Europe, my friends have kept a running competition between us and the city. It's a bit goofy, but for instance: if we find our way somewhere without any trouble, then we get a point. If we trip, or get horribly lost, then the city gets a point. It's absolutely ridiculous, but also a lot of fun.
Berlin, however, beat us..badly.
Perhaps it was our inability to find anything, near death by cyclists, or our run in with the metro police after we had accidentally purchased the wrong tickets, but Berlin definitely conquered our trip.
The great thing about it though: we didn't care. Annie and I were just happy to have this last trip and enjoy the incredible city. And all the things that went wrong, just made it that much more interesting.

^^At a German bank, paying off our metro tickets. To no avail, we tried to convince the police that we really weren't trying to scam the German language skills just aren't up to par. He didn't seem to care.

Christmas markets were also going strong in Berlin, bringing our Christkindlmarkt total up to 3.

Overall, the weekend was a success and we greatly enjoyed the chance to see another part of Europe.  Annie and I saw a lot, and met a lot of people along the way. We even had it worked out so that we made it back to Prague for Mikuláš celebrations. The festivities were a lot of fun. There were angels, devils, and multiple St. Nicholases wandering the city. Annie and I also had a chance to attend Czech house party for a friend that is moving out of his apartment.  The party just happened to coincide with Mikuláš and so Mikuláš and a few devils made appearances throughout the night.
We've been joking for some time now that we may just "accidentally" miss our flights back home..Oh to dream..

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